Who & What Conditions Us?

June 12, 2015 By Wade

Conditioning occurs naturally. It is how we interact with each other and the world around us. Any area of our chart that is open is an area that is conditioned or influenced by other people’s energy, as well as planetary energy that is impacting all of us at all times. The energy from the planets affects us in the form of neutrinos passing through us in a continuing flux, reflecting the constant movement of these celestial bodies.

Everyone on Earth is affected by all these energies. They filter through each of us, affecting us in both a collective and unique way.

We also condition one another with the energies that are consistent in each of us, activating the same areas in the other person if they happen to be open centers. My defined centers condition your open centers.

We have this experience each time we stand within another person’s aura which extends about nine feet around us. It is literally an energetic bubble. Our individual unique frequency is filling up this space. When our auras overlap we can feel each other’s influence in very specific ways.

This is all meant to happen. It’s natural. The many different ways in which we all interact with each other are a result of this phenomenon.

The conditioning we receive actually helps us in life. It’s helping us when we jog with our friend who has the consistent energy and the will to do this everyday. If we have inconsistent energy in this area, it still doesn’t mean we should go jogging all the time. We will notice that it’s easier to jog further and longer when we are in the aura of people with that energy.

When Conditioning is Unhealthy

Conditioning gets us in trouble when we push ourselves beyond healthy uses of our energy. In the case with the friend who jogs, for example, that person may call us up to jog for the third day in a row. We don’t really feel like going; we feel the pressure to keep up with our friend’s regime for all kinds of reasons. And we go. We go against our inner knowing that it is too much for our body. We go because we use our mind which tells us to push through.

So we go jogging. For the third day in a row. Then we pull a muscle or twist an ankle. In order words, we meet resistance from life, which shows us that we have allowed ourselves to be pulled out of alignment with our individual truth.

The negative effects of conditioning teach us about ourselves. They reflect to us who we are and who we are not. In this case, we are not an everyday jogger. Most likely we don’t have a body for it. Some people do, some don’t. No judgment. For me, I personally prefer swimming, surfing, walking, or riding a bike. My HD chart affirms this. I’d already figured it out – by trying to be a jogger!

Conditioning is Ingrained

We are deeply ingrained by our conditioning in some areas in life. It may take a long time to see it and for it to shift naturally to something more harmonious for us. In other areas, it will be quick and easy. You simply stop doing certain things because you recognize the resistance.

Our Natural State

Over time you settle into a true and natural state of being. You get to know who you are more and more every day. And so do the people in your life.

Your example inspires others towards deeper authenticity and you learn to support one another in a wonderful way.

You recognize the beneficial conditioning and you move with it more confidently. You begin to experience less resistance in life, becoming more relaxed. You really begin to trust your life. To trust your own inner authority above all else and live what is true for you.

If you are interested in learning about your design, a Living Your Design Reading will reveal all of this to you.