
The best partnerships are the ones that you’re going to enter into correctly as yourself. And the best way to maintain a relationship, develop a relationship, or have a relationship flower is to respect the nature of the other being.

Ra Uru Hu


A Relationship Reading shines the light on the dynamics you are working with in a particular relationship. The intent here is to support both people in living their individual truths while discovering and maintaining harmony in relationship. 

By bringing awareness to unconscious motivations and drives, as well as key components for happiness such as respect, security and fun, we will outline and explore avenues for well-being in your relationship.

Fresh Approach

Drawing from both Baantu and Human Design these readings offer a fresh approach to understanding one another on a very deep level, showing the areas where two people connect and the quantum of strength that can come from the relationship. If you are encountering challenges or an impasse in the relationship, the areas of dominance, amplification and distortion will be brought to the surface to be made conscious for both parties so that they may be handled with more awareness and understanding. This relieves tremendous pressures and strain in relationship, leading to acceptance and support of one another.

Relationship Reading
$350 USD | 90 min | via Zoom

Included: 30-minute follow up within 3 months, as an offering of on-going support and to answer any questions that come up along the way

Zoom recording available upon request

* required : your birthdate, birth time, and birth place details are required. If you don’t know your exact birth time, please contact me for more information. The session can be with either one or both people present for the session. If only one person is present, permission to look at the other person’s chart is imperative.


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