Most frequent questions and answers

The knowledge of the Human Design System was received by Ra Uru Hu in 1987. 

“The Human Design System is not a belief system. It does not require that you believe in anything. It is a concrete map to the nature of being, a mapping of your genetic code. This ability to be able to detail the mechanics of our nature in such depth is obviously profound because it reveals our complete nature in all its subtleties. Human Design opens the door to the potential of self-love, a love of life and the love of others through understanding.” – Ra Uru Hu

Human Design draws information from Eastern and Western Astrology, Chinese I’Ching, the Hindu Brahman Chakra system and the Zohar/Kabbalist Tree of Life, as well as physiology, biology and chemistry.

The bodygraph reflects our genetic makeup and gives us information about our energy centers, gates, channels and transits, for example, so that we can remember how to live our design.  A reading will give you both inner and outer signposts to help you further recognize your decision-making process and help you navigate your life authentically. 

If you are feeling off-track in your life, a Living Your Design Reading will illuminate the areas where you may be spinning your wheels, wasting life-force and meeting resistance.  Then it will give you tools to more easily recognize these unhealthy patterns so you can shift them into a more harmonious way of life.

Human Design is a very large body of work with tons of details.  It’s wonderful how much there is to discover about yourself.  This is great mind food for anyone who wants something positive to focus their energy on while they are learning to navigate life in a new way.

Steve Rhodes, the founder of Baantu, was a student of Ra Uru Hu for seven years.  After his teacher passed away, Steve received Ra Uru Hu’s notes and continued to develop the deep knowledge he had received and distilled what was to him the essentials.  This evolution has developed into a whole new system for understanding one’s self and their relationships.  If you are someone who wants a lot of details to chew on, Human Design is recommended. If you prefer a simple approach to help you understand yourself and your relationships, Baantu is for you.

The purpose of both of these systems is to empower a person to live authentically as who they are, as their design. We are all unique and understanding our genetic makeup helps us to recognize the conditioning and the pressures we all experience in our daily life.

It is about trusting the wisdom of the body, recognizing the frequencies within ourselves and others and awakening the emotional solar plexus. This centre is the latest in our evolution as a species. We are 9-energy center beings and what is correct for our growth is different from what has been in place for centuries with the seven-chakra systems. 

A Living Your Design Reading introduces you to your Human Design bodygraph – your Profile, Authority, Type, Strategy, Circuitry, etc. This reading reveals where you may be open to conditioning, your natural way to make decisions and relate to other people, your personality and unconscious aspects of self and your life purpose.

As a Human Design and Baantu Guide, I provide a holistic and integrated reading based on what is the most salient for a person and what comes up during the live reading.  

The Self-Awareness Readings are my favorite because they incorporate both philosophies as well as other tools that I have found useful in my own journey as a father, healer and advocate of creating your own recipe for living life authentically.

I discovered Human Design when my son was around 10 years old. I am grateful for this information which allowed me to understand his requirements according to his type and diet, which are the most important elements for children before their Saturn Return (around age 28-30).

Human Design and Baantu gave me insights on what is correct for him, especially when it is so different for me. For example, I learned the areas in life he could be conditioned by the environment and other people, including myself. This helped me expand my awareness about my own responses, conditioning and patterns so I wasn’t projecting them onto my son.   

Nurturing my son’s uniqueness and protecting his individuality are the most important and loving aspects of my parenting.  

We are told that communications is essential for a happy relationship. What we are not aware of is how much of what transpires is merely mechanics, and not personal. 

Riding their emotional waves, through the lows and highs, for example, is correct for a person with a defined solar plexus. This can take time. Whereas someone with sacral authority, their truth is in the now and their response is immediate. The emotionally-defined partner is not being evasive, difficult or slow. It’s their design. The lack of awareness around these two ways to respond can create challenges in a relationship.  This is just one example of a variety of ways we are designed differently. 

A Relationship Reading allows partners to better understand and respect their own design and that of their loved ones. It also provides practical guidance on how to navigate life together while staying true to themselves.

Each reading is unique to the person. My gift is to recognize frequency and meet you where you are at in regards to developing self-awareness.  Simply through conversation and the expression of what is currently happening in your life experience, we will work together to bring understanding to help you find harmony in the areas where you feel challenged. 

There is not a formula for my readings; each one is a spontaneous intuitive expression geared specifically to you as a unique individual.  The details and depth will be determined by the type of reading you choose, ie. Living Your Design, Self-Awareness, Relationship, or Parenting Your Child. 

* Birth data is required for readings – birth date, time and city.  Readings are 60-90 minutes depending on type and are recorded upon request.  

Human Design and Baantu offer radically different perspectives than what we have been taught and conditioned as the truth. We have been homogenized through our educational system, for instance, and have forgotten to trust our true responses. 

This information isn’t for everyone. It destroys who you “think” you are and strips you of your conditioning.  It breaks the stronghold of the mind that is running life, and it is not a comfortable or easy shift. 

It does bring you home to the body, and while it does not happen overnight, there is nothing more amazing than living our design.

A Self-Awareness Reading provides practical ways to start exploring different aspects of your design. It is not about doing, as much as allowing. With time, we rediscover our natural responses to what is correct for us, recognize the ways we have been conditioned and feel our true frequencies. 

My Integrative Guidance & Support offerings are geared to supporting those ready and willing to delve deeper into who they are. Over three, six, or 12 months, I will support you in tapping into the wisdom and the truth of your design.

Inspire your surroundings and Align with Life, the World needs YOU!

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