Once you’ve received your initial Reading, On-going Support (OGS) can be purchased in 3-month intervals depending on your personal development. If you are diving into Human Design and you want to focus on bringing this info home into your everyday Life, OGS is a great way to integrate the knowledge into your Reality.
Meeting with me 2 times a month, for 30-45 minute sessions, I will support you in your deconditioning process. Together we will be looking at your chart, discussing the Real-Life circumstances you are experiencing and relating them with your Human Design experiment. This helps you shed the layers of conditioning while at the same time continue to go deeper into your unique design. While this process can’t be rushed, it does help to have OGS to give you feedback, answer questions, and get my personal attention to help you hold the line of staying true to yourself, despite any challenges that may arise, as you continue to release that which is no longer in alignment with your Truth.
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