Living Your Design

Discover your truth and authenticity and engage with the world as who you truly are.


Each Human Design Type has its own unique aura or energy body and strategy to be in the world and in relationship with others.


What are your defined and undefined energy centers? This shows where we have access to consistent energy and where we may be open to conditioning. Understanding you energy Centers is profound and will take you into a whole new world of Self-Awareness!


The Mind is not here to make our decisions. We have our Body's Wisdom/Authority to reach clarity and truth for ourselves, to choose what is correct for us.


Channels give us insights about the areas of Life where we have consistent and reliable energy.


We are each one of 12 profiles that show our Personality (conscious) and Design (unconscious) ways of being and Life Role in society.


Are we more individual, tribal or collective in our design? Our chart shows the nature of our relationships.

Living Your Design Reading

A Living Your Design Reading provides you with an introduction to your Human Design elements. In this 1-hour zoom discussion session, you will discover the most salient aspects of your design. You will also receive practical ways to live your design. 


$250 USD | 1 Hour | via Zoom

Included : copy of your Human Design chart

Zoom recording available upon request

* your birthdate, birth time, and birth place details are required. If you don’t know your exact birth time, please contact me for more information.

Inspire your surroundings and Align with Life, the World needs YOU!

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