Human Design

Human Design is a system of knowledge based on mechanics that reveals your genetic blueprint and the ways in which Life-Force flows, both individually as well as collectively.  This is shown through the Rave Chart.  This chart identifies your uniqueness and gives you tangible signposts to help you recognize your Life Path and your decision making process.  This system is not based on belief.  It is mechanics at work and can be used as a tool to help you see how Life works for you.  Through your own experimentation you will recognize the validity of this knowledge.  

The Human Design System

The Human Design System reveals your unique genetic code and develops your awareness through inner and outer signposts to help you align and flow with Life.

This is a new approach to Living an Authentic Life.

Living Your Design Readings


A Living Your Design Reading is the first step to help you navigate Life in a more authentic way as yourself.

Understanding your Aura Type, along with your Strategy and Authority, will help you recognize the areas of your Life where you have been conditioned by others. You will see why you have been challenged in the past by certain behaviors and situations.

Once you recognize these patterns you will begin the journey of letting go of the conditioning that has created resistance in your relationships and in Life. This shift will bring you home to yourself and help you align better with your unique flow in Life.


Living Your design

This is not an over-night transformation. Learning to live your design takes time and experimentation. There is so much detail to be discovered about yourself that the journey truly never ends.

Many people find it helpful to work with this information over time and benefit greatly from ongoing support. Check in monthly in the beginning of your journey to help you integrate this knowledge into your real life situations and relationships. Over time, checking every six months is useful. At some point you will really have the tools you need to authentically navigate your life in this new way.

Release Self-Judgement

Uncoil the conditioning from other people and who they have pressured you to be. Or who they told you you are. Witness a further blossoming of your True nature in alignment with your values and Life.

Adopt a new approach to life

If you have been meeting a lot of resistance in your Life or if you experience a lot of frustration, anger, disappointment or bitterness maybe it's time for a different approach.

A new outlook on Life.

Pierce through the veil of expectations, what others tell you to do, or how to be. Get in touch with Your Truth and Your own Navigation tools. You unique inner guidance system.

Living Your Design Workshop

The Living Your Design workshop is a fun and interactive course that will provide you with the foundations to enter into your experiment and decondition process. It will support you to being incorporating the philosophy of Human Design into your everyday life.

LYD is the foundational class for anyone interested in further training and analyst and professional training and certification with the International Human Design School. It is also a prerequisite for courses that are open for the public who want to take them for personal interest. The Living Your Design workshop is for anyone interested in learning how to read the details of a human design chart to help understand yourself and the people in your life better.  

You will learn the required curriculum which includes Aura, Strategy, Authority, and the Nine Centres. 

This class will meet once a week with all classes being recorded, so attendance is not mandatory. In fact, one of the main focuses of this program is getting in touch with your Energy/Life-force and honoring it.  There will be flexibility with scheduling based on the unfolding nature of Life.   

Join us on this adventure!

Inspire your surroundings and Align with Life, the World needs YOU!

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